Konsulent ydelser
Engineering på tværs af landegrænser i Europa.

Konsulent ydelser

Vi er et netværk af Ingeniører der samarbejder på tværs af landegrænser i Europa. Vi hjælper kunder i flere lande med ingeniørprojekter og udviklingsopgaver.

I Ingeniør netværket findes der kompetencer inden for de fleste områder. Hvad enten du har brug for hjælp til maskinkonstruktion eller beregning af bygningsstål kan vi hjælpe. I tilfælde hvor projekter kan afgrænses, kan du også få en fast pris på en opgave.

Ingeniørprojekter (Mechanical Engineering - FEM beregninger)

12m skylift on a Volvo chassis.

FEM model  of assembly with simulated front suspension for stability check

Fatigue analyses in Presys4NISA according to EC1990, 1991 and 1993


1.3mil linear shell elements 8*8

350 linear beam elements

Translation springs



Lumped&distributed masses

Reaction forces and stability check


Hydrema chassis with mobile crane

FEM analyses of Hydrema chassis with moving crane mounted on chassis.

Mesh of modified chassis for moving crane mounted on the chassis.

Fatigue analyses according to EC3 and IIW
Beam model: Axis VM
Fatigue analyse & FEA model 

Complete model with hitch, front suspension and telescopical legs.

Deflection of complete model

Water  tank with spiral falsed ribs

Analyses according to Eurocode 1990 water tank, pumphouse and concrete foundament

LSA -linear static analyses
LBA-linear buckling analyses of empty resp full water tank
MNA-materially non-linear analyses
GMNA-geomatrically and materially non-linear analyses


Thickness plot of model

LSA von Mises

LBA to determin Rcr for global slenderness (bifurcation method)

MNA-yield begin

MNA determination of Rpl of structure _radial/vertical displ vs Load factor




Pumphouse beamanalysis

Ingeniørprojekter (Civil Engineering)

Terra-Fundamentum Bt.
Zsolt Roman (Phd.)
Msc. structural engineer
Have specialty and experience in design and evaluation of the followings:

retaining structures (coffer dams, soldier pile walls, SSP walls, shorings)
slope stability analysis
design of spread foundations
design of deep foundation
specialty in helical pile design
Structural design:
steel structures, trusses, frames, spatial designs
steel connections
anchorage to concrete
bridge structures
combined stability analysis of complex steel structures (general formula of EC3)
reinforced concrete design (slabs, columns, shear walls, foundations)
dynamic analysis (blast resistant design according to UFC standards)
general loads (dead and live)
highway moving loads
fluid loading
blast loads
earth load
temporary loading